I posted early on Tuesday
It was more a rant and less an update
And yesterday i just didn’t have one in me
I am moody
The swings are a trip to ride
I think I’d be doing better without this achey leg
I don’t know what the fuck is going on with my leg
And its concerning
Pain radiating from the groin down to the foot
Aleve seems to help
Hopefully the chiropractor will keep helping too
Its more pain than I’ve had to deal with in a long time
And i am annoyed
And feel like i am being annoying when i talk about it
And unsure of what to do about it...
But i am pretty sure I’d be moody without the pain in my leg
And the ups and downs are quite the ride
I am trying to be patient with myself
And my family too
Knowing that i am swinging in this way
Is helping me to recognize they are feeling it too
Tuesday Li’l Chaos’ bestie dropped off some money from her dad for girl scout cookies
Maya had to say hi...
They stood across the yard from each other and just laughed
And kicked rocks
And tried to connect
In person
From a distance
As much as possible
It was a bittersweet and beautiful
Visual poem

I am listening to Psychic Ills
It reminds me of Spacemen 3 and Spritualized
And Mazzy Star
It’s the right soundtrack for today
I am watching Lodge 49 and High Maintenance on my own
And Bless This Mess with my wife...
Last week i was moody too
And I figured it had to with sleeping patterns
I was not sleeping well
I was staying up late
Reading articles on line
And watching clip after clip of who knows what...
And then i would sleep in later than i should
so i set the goal for this week of being in bed with the light out by midnight and up out of bed by 7.
I have been pretty good about lights out
But I haven’t been great about getting out of bed
By 7
Closer to 7:30
So i can keep trying next week
And i didn’t quite make a blog post every day this week
I missed Wednesday
Like i said...
But we can keep trying, right?
That’s what we have to do.
Today the girls did some great creative play
When i asked them to build an obstacle course...
They made an amazing interactive
Board game
It was fantastic
Tomorrow i want them to put it on paper
We’ll see how that goes
They did a facebook video chat art lesson with their uncle Matt...
And its amazing to get to listen to their music practice every day and hear the little improvements and growth..
‘Zilla had such a good attitude about dishes that i let her off the hook about halfway through
Intending to come back and help her out later... i still haven’t got to it
The dishes are built up now
And its on me
And that’s okay
We’ll just have to keep trying