Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I have been thinking about



“letting go”

And what that means

to me as a father and as a person

As a husband

And a human

And I guess

Where I have come to

So far

Is this

We Must Let Go

We Must Love

And Loving

Is Letting Go

Think of all the things you must let go of to love yourself

To love God (or whatever you name the things you believe)

Faith is an act of letting go - not just spiritual faith – but any faith…

Letting go of doubt & recognizing it

Acknowledging it, embracing it and then…

letting it go.

In a partnership

Or in a team

In a family

We let go of some parts ourselves

Becoming part of a thing means

Every new day we let go of our former selves a bit….

while maintaining a bit of space for ourselves.

There is an idea that this concept of letting go

Of Transience

Of impermanence

Is one of the cornerstones of existence…

We are always letting go…

Everything is changing or falling away..


I like that idea.

I think we should embrace that idea.

It is Beautiful – it is what gives things, moments, feelings, any meaning, any substance.

They end.

The experience of this, for me, has never been more painful or wonderful than as a parent.

It is the reason baby pictures of my children make me cry,

And pictures of them yesterday make me cry.

And thinking about them hitting puberty or going away to college, or The Peace Corp, or war

Makes me cry.

Pure. Powerful. Promise.

They are tears of joy.

And yet…

They will never be babies again.